Three Design Tips for Small Spaces, plus a BONUS Tip!

Tight living quarters getting you down? Then this post is for you! Small spaces are not inherently bad, they just challenge us to be more purposeful and style savvy. Today I am sharing three tips to make your small space sing, plus some BONUS content at the end!

  1. Let in the Light

    That’s right, take down the heavy drapery and closed off plantation shutters. The more natural light and views of the outdoors that can be let into your space, the larger it will feel. Compensate for small windows by adding mirrors across from a natural light source. This helps to reflect light around the room.

    Then, add in layers of artificial lighting. Lamps, pendant lights, overhead fixtures, or under cabinet lights can all help to make a small space feel light and airy during the day and cozy after dark. Even better if you can make those energy efficient & smart light sources that can be dimmed and automated at the touch of …an app on your phone.

    As an interior designer one source of light, be it natural or artificial, is never enough. Always add layers!

  2. Declutter …and then do it again… and again!

    Editing your belongings with purpose is an on-going process, no matter the sized of your space. It does take time, but you would be surprised at how much can be done in short, focused 15 minute purging sessions a few times a week. It may also mean that it is time to make some tough choices between the keep and the toss pile. But think of it this way, the reward is that decluttering can give back some long lost square footage in a tight space!

    When you are sorting through your belongings, be ruthless! Every object should have a function (or two or three) and a designated place in your home. We like to use a list like this one “101 Items to Get Rid of Without Regret” from Organise My House or a decision tree like this one from The Handmade Home.

    Set up a small spot near the door for keeping items that need to be donated or returned. Then, have a routine time each month to take items to their designated drop-offs, like the library, dry cleaner, or donation center. If it’s not serving you (and taking up valuable space), it’s time to let it go so it can be of service to someone else.

    Lastly, try to stop clutter before it invades your space. We recommend putting systems and processes in place that can help hold clutter at bay. Recycle bins near the door to dispose of unwanted mail before it reaches the countertop. Shared shopping lists so family members or room mates do not accidentally buy duplicates at the store.

  3. Keep it off the floor

    This is where you may have to get a little more creative to make the best use of the square footage you have.

  • Need to gain some inches in a living room? Ditch the TV stand and hang the flatscreen on the wall.

  • Plant stand cluttering up the corner of your bedroom? Try hanging a planter or two from the ceiling.

  • Kids room too tight for a dresser? Choose a closet system with integrated drawers… in the closet!

  • Office supplies cluttering up your desk surface? Try a wall hung organizer.

BONUS: You can find our final tip featured on the REDFIN Blog "Experts Reveal 16 Small Space Decorating Mistakes That Are Cramping Your Style". We are Tip #11!!!

Go check it out if you have been struggling with the challenges of fitting your amazing life into an itty bitty living space! We hope this inspires you to a lighter, brighter and more efficient use of square footage in your compact spaces!

Through good design, we help clients on their journey to enjoy the spaces they have, big or small.

Reach out to start your journey today!

Amanda CroftComment